Good attendance is necessary for all children, research shows that children who attend school regularly and punctually perform better overall and in their later lives. Therefore, the Government expects the level of school attendance for all primary aged pupils to be no lower than 97%
There have been a lot of complaints recently regarding parking around school before and after school. Please be considerate when parking, as some parents with pushchairs have not been able to get past due to parking on corners of the streets and residents have been blocked in.
We have several children in school with severe nut allergies, which require an Epi Pen. Please do not send your child into school with any nuts or nut products e.g Nutella spread for snack or lunch, as this could be life threatening to these children.


Gorse Hall Governors Welcome

Welcome to Gorse Hall Primary and Nursery school. The main responsibility of the Governing Board is to ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction; to support, challenge but hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; and to oversee the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent. All members of the Governing Board are high committed individuals with the shared goal that every child receives the highest standard of education, is happy and safe and achieves their best possible educational outcomes.

Annual Governance Statement

Governors’ Action Plan

Governors’ Protocol for School Visits

Governor Attendance

Governor List

Instrument of Government

Complaints Policy

Alexandra Flood (Head Teacher) 

My name is Alexandra Flood and I have had the pleasure of working at Gorse Hall Primary and Nursery School since 2000. I am passionate about, and dedicated to, the range of roles that I have undertaken during my time at our School, working from Newly Qualified Teacher to my current role as Headteacher. I have two children of my own, both of whom keep me very active and busy. Reece attends Ashton Sixth Form College and Sadie attends Longdendale High School.  I thoroughly enjoy spending time with my family and friends, shopping, swimming, reading and being creative. I am highly committed to ensuring that our pupils receive the best possible education, through a range of stimulating and exciting experiences. This I believe will equip them well for their adult lives ahead. High expectations are at the heart of everything that I do.

Michael O’Dowd (Chair of Governors)

I am an experienced secondary school senior leader, working as an assistant headteacher and SENDcO at West Hill School. I joined the Governing board in 2016. My areas of specialism are Science, the Curriculum itself, Assessment and Inclusion. I am a Local authority Governor.

Pauline Ashton (Vice Chair of Governors)

On my retirement in December 2013, I was delighted to be appointed onto the Governing Board as a co-opted member. It was their opinion that I possessed the skills and experience to contribute significantly to the effective governance of Gorse Hall.

I consider my varied roles in Tameside primary schools for over 34 years serve me well. My experiences during my 20 years at Gorse Hall, in strategic leadership and management, including my role as SENCO, Child Protection Liaison Teacher, Senior Leadership Team Member and Phase leader, in particular, demonstrate that I possess the necessary skills, personal qualities, enthusiasm and commitment to help further develop the effectiveness of the Governing Board.  I had previously served on both The Governing Board at Gorse Hall and another local school for two terms of office. I was keen to embrace the changing role.

I feel honoured to be elected to Vice Chair for two, consecutive terms of office now. I thoroughly enjoy all aspects of my role, offering support and encouragement, yet assuming the role of a critical friend.  However, most of all, I enjoy spending time with children across school, including supporting their work, conferencing groups on areas of the curriculum or discussing which lessons/activities that they have particularly enjoyed and why.

I am committed to protecting the environment and was instrumental in securing the first Green Flag for Gorse Hall. I was also an active member of the local group Friends of Gorse Hall for many years. I love walking my dog, gardening and swimming.  However, my daughter and I have spent most of our leisure time enjoying our horses for almost 30 years.

My main passion for the last 4 years has been enjoying time with my grand- daughter and seeing her develop and blossom.  I would have been very happy for her to have joined Gorse Hall.  I am passionate about all children receiving the best possible education, in a happy, secure environment and developing the necessary skills and confidence to believe that they can be what they want to be. As a governor I shall continue to work continually and tirelessly towards this goal.

Jordan McCabe (Vice Chair of Governors)
My name is Jordan McCabe and I am one of the Co-Opted Governors for Gorse Hall Primary School. I have worked in both private and public education for 11 years in a wide range of roles. I am currently the Building Operations Manager for a secondary school in Tameside. Having worked with young people for so many years I believe in the positive ethos set out by Gorse Hall of being a happy, safe and inclusive environment for children to thrive and learn and with my knowledge and support assistance I look forward to seeing the school, its students and staff grow and develop into their full potential.

Stuart Wood

Hi. I’m Stuart Wood and I am a Parent Governor.

My family and I moved from Wellington, New Zealand to Stalybridge in July 2023. This is a return home for my wife who was born and raised in Stalybridge and a chance for our children to experience UK life and further connect to my wife’s family. I met my wife when I was on my big overseas experience in London where I had great roles with the BBC and the then British Rail. I also had a chance to travel extensively.

Our two children have attended Gorse Hall in this last year and have settled in very well thanks to their teachers and their fellow students 🙂.

I am an accountant and have been for most of my working life.  My last role has been working for the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries over the last fifteen years dealing with the interesting world of biosecurity readiness and responses.

Education is a passion of mine as well as health and wellbeing. I am very proud to be able to fulfil my role as a Parent Governor and will do my best to contribute to the positive progress of the school and its wider community.

Nicola Welsh

My name is Nicola Welsh, I began working at Gorse Hall in 2013 as the Learning Mentor. I then carried out my Teacher training at Gorse Hall where I have been fortunate enough in being offered a job here. I joined Gorse Hall Primary School’s Governing body as a co-opted Community Governor in July 2016 and I am now a Staff Governor.

Through working in primary schools in Tameside, I recognise the importance of providing a safe, caring, supportive and effective environment that brings opportunities for each child to make those essential steps in life. Working in schools has enabled me to recognise how important it is that the children of Gorse Hall leave equipped with the knowledge, skills and moral foundations to enable them to achieve and succeed in later life. I hope to utilise my skills and experience in education and working with parents and the community to support Miss Flood, the Governing body and the staff in fulfilling our aspirations for the future of Gorse Hall.

Tracy Hudson

My name is Tracy Hudson and I am a Parent Governor.

I am currently taking time off work to be at home with my 2 year old daughter, but previous to my maternity leave, I worked in the role of a Family Intervention Worker with Homestart.

I am very proud to be able to fulfil my role as a Parent Governor as I think our school is very special and a very happy place to be.  I have an invested interest in the progress we make and I am hopeful that I can make a positive contribution to the progress of the school.

James Chambers

I am a Staff Governor. I have worked as a Year 6 teacher at Gorse Hall for a decade now having arrived in 2014. I am proud to have joined the school’s governing board in Spring 2024. In this role I am looking forward to the opportunity to support the school to continue to foster a happy, safe and inclusive environment for our brilliant children, enabling them to get the most out of these significant early moments in their lives and make important steps on the road to realising their full potential. 

Chris Schofield

Heather Bennett

My name is Heather Bennett, and I am thrilled to be a Co-opted Governor at Gorse Hall Primary School.  

As a Senior Leader in my day-to-day role, I have a track record of delivering against a variety of outcomes, across a number of disciplines/sectors; Customer Experience, Commercial Performance, Colleague Engagement, and perhaps my most enjoyable role in Community Participation.  

My ambition to be a governor stems not only from being a mum of two young children, but also a desire to improve society at large. Investing in early education is a proven strategy for building a better future. Personally, I think we need to focus on creating rounded individuals, that can be themselves, equipped with the knowledge to do better.  

This opportunity will mean I can take an active role in my community, bringing my corporate skills to improve learning outcomes.  

Glyn Goodchild

Glyn has been part of our School Community for the past 40 years and was Chair of Governors for a large part of that time. Throughout his absence, he has spent a considerable amount of time involved with the school. Glyn is now retired and lives locally with his wife and family. He enjoys working with stakeholders and has a keen interest in mental health and well being. He has worked in an associate role after retiring from the role as Chair in July 2022 and in 2024 has begun a role as a Co-opted Governor.