At Gorse Hall Primary and Nursery School the computing curriculum aims to provide the children with up to date computing skills. We provide access to high quality learning resources within a safe environment, preventing access to unsuitable material or inappropriate use of systems. Innovative approaches to learning will continue to be encouraged and learners, teachers and children, will enjoy using ICT. A culture of continuous development of everyone’s ICT skills will be supported by sharing resources and skills within school and externally.
Curriculum Implementation
As part of our process, teachers will need to:
• Teach the computing curriculum through theme weeks – where they will access coding and through cross-curricular links with other subjects.
• Teach E-safety – during theme weeks, assemblies and during ICT lessons.
• Make sure pupils are safely using the laptops and tablets.
• Teach three distinct aspects of computing: computer science (CS), information technology (IT) and digital literacy (DL). This can be linked to other subjects and can be cross-curricular.
• Teachers ensure the teaching of Computing is evident within all areas of the curriculum following a topic-based approach and creating cross-curricular links.
• Utilise classroom ICT resources within the delivery of the curriculum eg use of the interactive whiteboard when teaching.
• The children have access to a wide variety of resources that enable them to continue their learning of Computing and technology at home.
Curriculum Impact
We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:
• Teacher, peer and self-assessment against a given criteria
• Progression in skills is shown in ICT work
• Child chats
• Celebration days
Computing Knowledge, Skills and Attitude
Curriculum Map Computing
I CAN Statements
I CAN Statements Nursery
I CAN Statements Reception
I CAN Statements Year 1
I CAN Statements Year 2
I CAN Statements Year 3
I CAN Statements Year 4
I CAN Statements Year 5
I CAN Statements Year 6