Design and Technology
At Gorse Hall Primary and Nursery School, we believe that DT should be inspiring, practical and provide children with a real life context for learning. Through the DT curriculum, children should develop their creative, technical and problem-solving skills, and also be able to apply knowledge and skills from mathematics, science, computing and art. Our curriculum is designed to provide pupils with opportunities to take risks, becoming resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens, and preparing them for a range of possible careers such as: engineering, architecture, designing and nutrition.
Curriculum Implementation
As part of this planning process, teachers need to include the following:
• Lessons which follow the design, make and evaluate cycle. Each stage should be rooted in technical knowledge. The design process should be rooted in real life, relevant contexts to give meaning to learning. While making, children should be given choice and a range of tools to choose freely from. To evaluate, children should be able to evaluate their own products against a design criteria. Each of these steps should be rooted in technical knowledge and vocabulary.
• A cycle of lessons for each year group, which carefully plans for progression of skills suited to the age group;
• A low stakes quiz where appropriate (e.g. vocabulary)
• Trips and visiting experts who will enhance the learning experience (e.g. engineers);
• Appropriate curriculum themed home learning tasks which children complete with adults at home.
Curriculum Impact
Our DT Curriculum is high quality, well thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression. We can measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:
• Both teachers and pupils assess work, ideas and products against given criteria
• A celebration of finished products within and across year groups
• Pupils destinations (higher education or employment)
• Child chats demonstrate the knowledge and skills they have developed in DT
Design and Technology Knowledge, Skills and Attitude
Design and Technology Map