Good attendance is necessary for all children, research shows that children who attend school regularly and punctually perform better overall and in their later lives. Therefore, the Government expects the level of school attendance for all primary aged pupils to be no lower than 97%
There have been a lot of complaints recently regarding parking around school before and after school. Please be considerate when parking, as some parents with pushchairs have not been able to get past due to parking on corners of the streets and residents have been blocked in.
We have several children in school with severe nut allergies, which require an Epi Pen. Please do not send your child into school with any nuts or nut products e.g Nutella spread for snack or lunch, as this could be life threatening to these children.

Latest News

AcSEED Award

We are thrilled to tell you that Gorse Hall has received the AcSEED award. This is a quality assurance mark presented to schools that have made a substantial effort to support mental health. This is much deserved- thank you to all for your efforts and support and especially to Miss Evans and our Well Being team. 💚🐝💚